Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's time to get started

I decided I've let this blog languish long enough.  I'm going to commit to posting on a regular basis and I hope to get followers who will add to the conversation.  There is so much information, and misinformation, out there about immigrants and ELLs and how to improve academic achievement - that it's important to advocate for them using research, resources and the energy of those dedicated to the cause.  The question I hear a lot from ELL advocates is, "How can we help people to 'get it'?  How do we get them to really care?"  I maintain that many people just don't understand the realities, so we have to start with the facts and personalize them to get people on board.  If people see "immigrants" or "ELLs" it is a faceless group.  If they see students, "Maria, Mohamed, and Mai" it makes a difference.  People say they want facts, but actually they internalize stories.  Tell us about a bilingual student who made a difference to you!   Also, teachers - here's a great link about a teacher who created a unit to help her students understand the refugee experience.  They learned a lot, and the classroom is a good place to start.   http://tinyurl.com/3gtwszr

1 comment:

  1. Kristina - you're awesome! I love that you've started a blog, and here I am, your first follower. I will most definitely take part in this conversation. Adelante!
