Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank you EL Advocates!

I spent the day at the MDE ESL, Bilingual and Migrant conference and left feeling totally energized.  There are so many great teachers and we're all working to improve instruction and outcomes for English learners - it was very inspiring.  I was glad I was able to share some insights I've gained over the years as I built my advocacy skills.  As I said in my presentation, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective EL Advocates," how did I learn my advocacy skills?  By making mistakes - we all learn from mistakes, but the important thing is to be willing to make them on behalf of our students.   Also - don't go in alone - get your allies and work together.  It can feel very overwhelming to be the lone advocate, and if you ask others you may be surprised to find many people agree with you and are willing to help.

So - here's a link to the Seven Habits power point from today - hopefully by tomorrow - check back.  :) Make comments, contact me with questions, but most of all - Go forth and do good work!

Cheers -

Monday, April 11, 2011


Welcome to the English Learners Advocacy Network -ELAN. A blog for people who care about the quality of instruction and rights of English Learners (ELs). Elan, is defined on the Free Online Dictionary as, "Ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm." It gives examples such as:

elan - a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause); "they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor"; "he felt a kind of religious zeal"

This word encompasses the passion and dedication I feel to ensuring equity and access in education for students learning English. All who have this same passion and are looking for resources and a way to connect with others are welcome to visit this blog and share thoughts. What's happening in your area? What questions do you have that need answering? Let's start exploring together!